Just like how you strove hard to please Allah and earn His love during the month of Ramadhan, Make sure you save your changes after Ramadhan as well. It can never be difficult, If you strove hard and did your best to become a better and a good Muslim during Ramadhan, The why not try and do the same after Ramadhan too? Your the same person who engaged in doing Amal and Ibaadhat back during Ramadhan, so continue with the same act of worship out side Ramadhan as well In sha Allah! Where there is a will, there is a way out. So if you really want to become a better Muslim then make sure you "SAVE YOUR CHANGES" after Ramadhan.

If you can pray all your five daily Salaah along with the Sunnah and Nafl Salaah, then what stops you from continuing it after Ramadhan? If you spent time with the recitation of the Qu'ran during Ramadhaan, then what stops you from continuing with the same recitation after Ramadhaan? If you tried hard to avoid backbiting, fighting, lying and slandering during Ramadhan, then why not continue with the same good character after Ramadhan too? If you can respect your parents and elders during Ramadhaan, then what stops you from doing the same act all your life? If you can avoid listening to music and watching movies during Ramadhan, then why not avoid that out of your life? If you engaged with Dhikr during Ramadhan, then why is that you can't have your same mind in the remembrance of Allah out side of Ramadhaan too? If you did lower your gaze and control your evil desires during Ramadhan, There is absolutely no excuse for why you cant do the same sacrifice after Ramadhaan too. 

To conclude, If you can avoid all that Allah (swt) has prohibited for you during Ramadhan, then why cant to follow and avoid the same prohibition all your life and not only during Ramadhan?? For whom are we making all these sacrifices? It is for our Rabb! Our Creator! are you going to lack in anything by avoiding all that He has prohibited for us? Absolutely no. You will only find happiness and Barakaah in your life In sha Allah! I know, it can be hard to avoid all of these after having got used to it all your life, but that is exactly the reason why Allah (swt) has gifted us with the month of Ramadhaan, to train us become better Muslims after Ramadhaan too. Subhana Rabbi Al A'laa!

One way to check on if your deeds have been accepted during the month of Ramadhaan is to see if or not we continue with the same A'maals after Ramadhaan as well. So strive hard just for the sake of Allah and you'll see the lovely changes for sure In sha Allah! May Allah help you and make it easy on you.

Assalamaualaykum Warahamathullahi wabarakathuhu!


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